Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A little girl was spotted left alone in a SUV on a very, very hot day. The little girl was 16 months old and left in the car while her mother went shopping for clothes. Police had to break open a window to get the child out. The child was taken to an area and treated and was released into her grandmother's custody on Sunday.
It would be interesting to know the age of this mother.  Obviously she doesn't know how to care for a child.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


How can they sleep at night? That question is addressed to our boys and girls in Washington D.C..
They are spending  money on all sorts of crap but they can't take care of their own. What I mean is NOT EXTENDING THE UNEMPLOYMENT to thousands and thousands of people in need. Many of these people, including my daughter have NO INCOME coming in. She has been looking for a JOB for well over a year and depending on her unemployment. She has been on countless interviews where she is told "we love your resume and you would fit in just great in our company". They call her back for three or four more interviews only to tell her in an e-mail that they have chosen someone else. That is BULLSHIT. These companies have NO IDEA what these people are going through.
She has a daughter and her ex is supposed to pay child support. This is a hit or miss situation and she can't count on that.  Some 17 year old was texting on her phone and ran into the back of her and totaled her car. Her back was injured and the surgeon wants $450.00 for a consultation.  She can't get food stamps or Medicaid because for some reason she does not quality.
She has a lawyer and is dragging her ex through court and every time the judge says "lets give it a few more months and see what happened" and yet numb nuts still only pays child support when he wants too.
He makes about $85,000 a year, is now on vacation and bought a new fishing boat. Where is the justice?
I really pray for all those who lost the unemployment and pray the jerks in higher power re-instate it.
I can really imagine what a state of depression these people are in.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Everyday I listen to the news and I keep hearing that the price of gas is going down for the Memorial Day weekend. If you live in Northwest Indiana it's not. Prices in my area have gone up ten cents as of yesterday just in time for the weekend. On the other hand if you go three or four miles the prices are down by almost fifteen cents.
As for prices going down, someone is not doing their homework.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


What is tomorrow?  It's Easter Sunday and as in many years past it is a religious holiday. Lets keep it that way.
Shoot the Easter Bunny and not give our kids tons and tons of candy so they can put on weight, I guess this goes for the adults too.  Don't turn this day into a minnie Christmas with load of presents as some people do. Think of the wallet!!!!!
Go to church with your family, visit with family and friends, enjoy good food and light spirits. You don't have to get drunk to enjoy the day but I guess there will be people who will not see it that way. I feel sorry for those.
HAPPY EASTER, be safe.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


In Florida it is a shame that a young man was shot and killed by a crime watch guard. I don't know but should there be such a outpouring of speeches and public intervention. And what about the intervention of the big man himself, Mr. Obama. He should show as much interest in bringing our men and women home from other lands.  Would it be any different if it was a white kid killed by a black guard? I'm sure we would not still be hearing about it.
Another thing, enough about Whitney Houston. She was a drug user so lets not glorify her. AMEN.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


When the person who is leading this country speaks to the press, I have noticed the absence of the American Flag. The only thing that I see is a yellow drape with Arabic symbols. Is he ashamed of his position, or this country. If this is true you have to remember that YOU who voted for this man are to blame for that and many other situations that he and his followers have gotten us into.
LETS NOT HAVE A SECOND TERM OF THIS FOOLISHNESS!!!!!!!!. Only the rich can live with this, not us folks struggleing day to day to survive.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Angelina made a statement at the Academy Awards with the exposing of one of her body parts. Her leg. After viewing this spectacle I said to myself "what the hell". If this move was supposed to excite all of the male viewers, forget it. Angelina has the ugliest legs and arms I have ever seen next to Twiggy. One glance and one would think that she is ill. From now on she should wear clothes that cover her from head to toe with no slits or sort sleeves.
She may be a good actress but I am afraid she falls sort on the beauty.