Thanksgiving day was a day all gathered with friends and family to enjoy good food and conversation and re-live old memories and see friends and relatives who we have not seen since last Thanksgiving. In the conversations I'm sure the word shopping came up along with the crazy hours that the stores would open and how early one would have to get there so they could be one of the first one's in to get their treasures. But for one individual, he didn't know that, that would be his last Thanksgiving. It happened in New York at a Wal-Mart no less. Jdimytai Damour was trampled to death by a crowd of about 2000 shoppers as they entered the store to save a few bucks on a gift for one of their loved one's. Couldn't people feel that they were stepping on someone or maybe they didn't care.
Whose fault was it? The employees for not getting out of the way, or Wal-Mart's management for not putting some people outside to control the crowd. Can they find those responsible by looking at a security video and if they do what will or can be done about it.
It should be up to Wal-Mart to supply crowd control. With all the money they are making they can afford it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Did you go shopping the day after Thanksgiving and not get what you wanted. If you were looking for a special gift for the hunter in the family I have just the place for you to look on-line and that place is Here you can get the top grade in binoculars. riflescopes, rangefinders, fieldscopes and other accessories that will make the perfect gift. As a matter of fact they are running the Nikon Ultimate Hunter's Package Promo which includes the following items. ProStaff 3-9x40 Riflescope with BDC Reticle, ProStaff Laser Rangefinder, Silent Technology Rangefinder Case, Mastering a Long-range shop with BDC DVD and a $50.00NikonProGear gift card. All of this comes together in a great package, saving you $144.90 on high quality hunting equipment. Also if you are looking for binoculars you can get high-quality, rugged binoculars, Nikon Sport Optics has for you, for a limited time only, get an extra $20.00 off on Nikon Action Extreme ATB 10x50 binoculars.
Just for the Black Friday Promotion, Nikon and are expanding the Gift Card Promotion ($25 and $50 value) to include all of the following. Nikon Monarch binoculars, Traillazer binoculars Nikon Action 10x50 binoculars and ANY Nikon ATB binoculars. Plus you can get special holidayh prices on ProStaff Riflescopes, Nikon Monarch Riflescopes, Buckmasters and Omega Riflescopes.
Why go from store to store and come home with nothing when you can sit in you home in comfort, go on line to and get what you want without the hassle.

Just for the Black Friday Promotion, Nikon and are expanding the Gift Card Promotion ($25 and $50 value) to include all of the following. Nikon Monarch binoculars, Traillazer binoculars Nikon Action 10x50 binoculars and ANY Nikon ATB binoculars. Plus you can get special holidayh prices on ProStaff Riflescopes, Nikon Monarch Riflescopes, Buckmasters and Omega Riflescopes.
Why go from store to store and come home with nothing when you can sit in you home in comfort, go on line to and get what you want without the hassle.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
If you were lucky enough to be able to watch the Magical Light Parade on the Chicago's magnificent mile the other night I wonder if you felt as I did. A waste of time and electric. The same as last year. The star singers could not be heard but you did hear the announcers say "wonderful job, didn't he or she sound great". The floats looked like they were made in the back of your local Wal-Mart. Nothing fancy. If I wanted to see a new Chey that was in the parade I would go to a dealer not a parade to see one. Another flop that was just something to lure the people down to spend their money on over priced items on the Magnificent Mile. Lets try again next year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
On The Chris Matthews Show was a panel of EXPERTS who gave their opinion of today's situations. Chris wants to know "Who Is In Charge". Bush looks like he is already retired, Obama is not president yet, so who is protecting us. Let your opinions be know by viewing the below survey.n>
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My grandson Spencer had a birthday in September and one of the birthday presents that he wanted was a Razor Ripstick. I don't know if you know what that is but it is a skate board shaped like an hour glass and you can get the sensations of skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding. His dad liked it so much that he bought one and they are using them as bonding tools and go boarding together at the park. Well last Wednesday they went to the park and on the way back Billie (dad) went down a pretty steep hill on the way home, they only live a few blocks from the park. Spencer went to do the same thing and Billie say not too because it was very steep. Before he got the words out of his mouth, Spencer was on his way. This hill went out onto a street and as Spencer approached the street a car was coming. The car saw him and stopped but Spencer got excited and lost control of his ripstick and fell using his arm to cushion the fall. That had is good and bad points because he broke his arm between his elbow and wrist. There are two bones in that section and he broke them both. He went to the doctor and they could not put it in a cast in this little town they live in so he had to wait until Monday to go to Victoria, Texas to see a bone doctor who would put it in a cast, so the poor kid had to have his arm wrapped up in some kind of bandage from Wednesday to Monday and be on pain pills. I don't know if I should blame myself since I sent him part of the money to buy this thing. It probably would have happened no matter who bought it for him. Bad thing is he is left handed and that is the arm that is broke.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Where are they? Where are they? I go to Wal-mart and don't see any. I go to Target and don't see any. I go to the large stores and don't see any. The thing that I am talking about are THANKSGIVING DECORATIONS. Has this important day gone by the wayside and nobody thinks it is important anymore. This is a day families gather to give thanks for what we have, everyone must have something to be thankful for. In the stores all you see is Christmas signs saying "shop early". When I was a kid, a long time ago, you never saw Christmas decorations until about two or three weeks before Christmas and there was the reminder that this is Christ's birthday and we should remember that. Now it seems that, that too has been forgotten and Christmas is a season where retailers force goods upon us so they can make money and put us deeper into debt. Stores use to decorate for Thanksgiving with large turkeys with pilgrim hats, horns-a-plenty and pilgrims amd signs saying Happy Thanksgiving. I am glad to see that schools have children make decorations for this special day and I pray that they too will not let it slip by the wayside.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Have you been on the website to find great prices on items that you need? Buying on line is a good way to purchase items at great savings and there is no running around from store to store. Well there is a website that is able to offer tactical gear and other items and that website is Tactical Pants and this is where you can find great prices on other items you need for you work, hobbies etc. Here is where you can find flashlights, holsters, Tactical Pants, vests, jackets and much much more. Keep in mind that there is no shipping charge on some items with orders of over $50.00. If you are in the need for Tactical Pants, they have over 20,000 pairs in stock.
Check out this website and see all of the 5.11 items to view. The list goes on and on. And again there is free shipping on several items they offer. Do yourself a favor and save your walking for your job or pleasure and visit their website. I sure you will be glad you did.
Check out this website and see all of the 5.11 items to view. The list goes on and on. And again there is free shipping on several items they offer. Do yourself a favor and save your walking for your job or pleasure and visit their website. I sure you will be glad you did.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween is a time for fun with friends and family. A 12 year old with his 9 year old brother accompanied by their father with mom and a younger child waiting in their car. The 12 year old knocked on the door and the idiot inside, a 22 year old ex-con opened fire on them with a AK-47 assault rifle firing at least 30 rounds through the door, walls and windows killing the 12 year old and wounding his brother and father. This happened because the ex-con thought he was being robbed. He told police he had been robbed once in the last year. Come on folks you don't open fire on someone for knocking on your door. Being an ex-con what was he doing with an assault rifle anyway. Sounds like he needs some medical attention about what is going on in his head. Let's hope he gets the proper care and gets what he deserves. By the way this happened in Sumter, S.C..
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