Sunday, April 27, 2008


A story comes to mind about my grandson Spencer who, as you know if you have read other stories about him, lives in Shiner, Texas. It was about 5 years ago when my wife and I went to visit my daughter, Lorri, and her family for the first time since they had moved to Texas. For the life of us we could not understand why she would move from a hustle bustle large city to a small town of 2000 people, cows, chickens and other things. Two gas stations and two restraunts, one was fast food the other is sit down. The pizza place closed up for lack of business and you can't get a good beef sandwich although this is beef country. And get this, they don't have chocolate ice cream at the Diary Queen which is 15 miles away. As a matter of fact everything is 15+ miles away. Anyway to get back to my story. We sat down to dinner and grace was said. Spencer has two sisters, Angelica and Serena and neither of them finish their dinner. The adults finished their plates but there was still food on the sisters plates. Spencer never gets enough food so he has the habit if moving from chair to chair finishing his sisters plates. He finished his and moved over to Angelica's place to finish her meal. He brought his fork with him and was ready to eat and I said. Spence you said grace for your plate not Angelica's so you will have to say it again and he replied, your kidding. I said no. He said grace again. When he finished that plate he moved to Serena's plate, was ready to eat and I told him he had to say grace again. With a dirty look given to me he said grace again and finished the food. The next day at dinner, grace was said and we all ate. As usual the girls left food on their plate and left the table. Spencer ate his and to my surprise stood up took Angelica's and Serena's plates and put their food onto his plate, looked at me and said, now I only have to say grace once right? and I laughed and said yes. To this day he still does it.

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