Saturday, July 12, 2008


When a women is in the prime of her life, the last thing she thinks about is her future health. Things that take the place of this thought are family, juggling careers, relationships and a host of other things. What most women don't know, is that the key to treating a number of possibly life-threatening diseases that she, a parent, a sibling or even her children may face in later years, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, Alheimer's and Parkinson's disease, may be found within her own body, yes I did say within her own body in the form of vital stem cells. These stem cells can be harvested from her own menstrual blood. Visit the website of to hear testimonials and to order your collection kit.

Now through the technology of C'elle, a service dedicated to providing women with a safe and easy method of collecting and preserving stem cells found in their menstrual fluid each month, even the busiest woman can take control of her future, right in the privacy of her own home. With C'ell's non-invasive process, menstrual cells are processed and cryopreserved (stored at a very low temperature) for potential cellular therapies that may be used in the future. Just think, these self-renewing cells may one day be used for sports medicine or cosmeceutical treatments, such as anti=aging therapies.

Go to the website and listen to a Celle Client Testimonial from women who have ordered and harvested stem cells for their future. By ordering the collection kit, you as an individual are taking control of you life and the lives of loved ones, not for today but for the future. It's doesn't hurt and it is free to visit their website at to listen and read about this revolutionary system that could one day save your life.

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