Thursday, September 25, 2008


Weddings are nice times. You get to see a young couple uniting in matrimony, promising their love for each other and sealing it all with a kiss. That is what I will be doing on the 28th of September. Witnessing a very good friends daughter getting married to a very nice guy. The wedding and reception will take place at the Gary Beach Auatorium which overlooks Lake Michigan. There will be food, drink and music. What else can you ask for. Seeing that I don't get out much I am really looking forward to this. In future blogs I will tell you of what a good time I had. Isn't it funny, I have known this couple for many years, I know the brides first and last name but only the grooms first name. It takes a wedding invitation to find out his last name, Peterson. Well good luck to the bride and groom, Jessica Elaine Jansen and Charles Lee Peterson. Have many happy years as my wife and I had. I will see you on Sunday.

1 comment:

Purpled Sky said...

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