Saturday, October 25, 2008


With the garage sale season coming to an end I reflect back on the many I have gone to. People if you have a sale, please put something worth selling out there. You need more that one small table to make a lot of money and that table being filled with old glasses from jelly jars or small chipped figurines. Put something worth while out there. Secondly things in a box look good but don't try and sell it for what you paid for it 5 years ago. It may look good BUT IT'S USED. One can probably buy it new at Wal-Mart for just a couple of dollars more. People are looking for bargains not retail prices. Garage sales are not meant to be Macy's. Price things and clothes accordingly, I've seen kids dresses on hangers for $10 and $20. This is ridiculous.
Please keep in mind that when the sale is over, go around and collect the signs that led people to your sale. I can't begin to tell you how many signs I followed only to find out there is no sale there. It was probably the week or month before. Also write large enough so we can read the sign, writing in pen just doesn't work. Don't advertise in the paper HUGE garage sale and have nothing to sell. If you can, get your neighbors to go in on a sale with you. This will produce more items to sell. Tool's are always a big seller if they are priced right.
Next year keep some of these things in mind and have a good garage sale.

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