Friday, March 20, 2009


On Tuesday, St. Patrick's Day, my granddaughter Delaney jumped out of bed and was eager to get dressed because this was the day the kids could wear green. She wore tennis shoes, jeans and a bright green shirt with a glitter shamrock on the front and to top it all off she wore a four leaf clover shinny necklace.
Upon arriving at school the principal was making announcements that a leprechaun had been there during the night and caused mischief in all the rooms and the teachers and the rest of the staff were trying to catch him. When Delaney got to her room she saw that all of the desks and chairs had been turned over and gold chocolate coins as well as paper shamrocks were all over the floor. Throughout the day the children were told funny and scary stories about leprechaun's as well as the principal making announcements the the leprechaun had done this or that to his office and that they were still trying to catch him. With all of this going on, children were also telling scary stories that their parents had told them about leprechauns. When Delaney came home from school she was full of stories and a bit scared that she might see a leprechaun.
She kept looking behind furniture for him and gold coins that he might have left.
On the way to a Dr's appt. she was asking question after question about leprechaun's like would they hurt her, could they get into the car and would one be at the Dr's office. When night came she was really scared and I told her that when the sun went down they went away and would not return until next St. Patrick's Day. Thank God that worked. Prior to that no matter how many times I told her he was not real she just wasn't buying it. When she jumped into bed she said "you know, I had a good time today"
The next morning not a word was said about any leprechauns.

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