Friday, September 18, 2009


Fall is just round the corner that is why we, at the campground, are having Halloween this weekend and Thanksgiving next weekend. This weekend we will have a candy fly over where they will throw over 10,000 pieces of candy from a plane and when all candy hits the ground the kids will be allowed to run into the field and gather up as much candy as they can. Of course everyone will be kept out of the area during the dropping. There will also be games, a haunted trail and a dance that will bring this weekend to a close.
Next weekend will be Thanksgiving weekend and we will all bring something and feast the day away.
After these two weekends that's pretty much the end of the regular season a Yogi Bear because he goes to sleep for the winter.
I will sure miss going there on the weekends and sitting on my deck looking out over the lake having a cup of coffee. Oh well there will be another season.

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