Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When will it end? Can't say this, can't do this and God forbid if you look sideways at someone of another ethnic group your in big trouble.
The latest piece of crap comes from around the Indianapolis area. This 18 year old punk is asking a judge to stop a graduation prayer that the class voted to approve. This young person says that the prayer and the vote violate the First Amendment.
Guess who stepped in to help this jerk, you got it, the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana. This is an organization that is out to destroy the United States of America.
I look at it this way, a vote was taken and passed by a majority. One person is offended. SO WHAT. If he doesn't like it don't attend the graduation. STAY HOME. He can go to school later and pick it up his diploma. I wouldn't even waste the postage sending his diploma to him.


Donssite said...

Right On . . .

All I can say.

Lynne said...

I have to agree with you. Don't we live in a country where "majority rules"? If they took a vote, that should be enough. He has a choice to attend or not, no one is forcing him. My personal opinion is that this is the devil's work.