Thursday, June 10, 2010


Not me, I'm a guy. This statement was made by a 57 year old woman in Alliance, Ohio. This plea was called into the 911 number five times. The dispatcher could not believe what she was hearing. After the fifth time, police were dispatched to the woman's home and she was arrested for improper use of the 911 system. She spent three days in jail.
It would have been easier to call E-Harmony I guess.
Ladies and men too, think before you call seeking a companion.


The Marc Chamot Report said...

Maybe leave it to Obama, then having a wife or husband, might become an American RIGHT. funny..

AmySue said...

I can not believe that... really a 57 year old should know better than to pull that kinda of stunt... she must have been really really desperate. I wonder if she hit on the cops! lol

Andrew said...

Haha That's hillarious , Check out my blog