Tuesday, March 15, 2011


In reference to the post about the old lady who shot a intruder I agree with you Sarah that it might be wise to take a martial arts class to protect yourself.
My daughter who lives in Texas took it one step further, I can't say that I agree with this, but her husband who will be leaving for Iraq soon went with her and bought a gun which is a pretty pink. They applied for a permit to carry a concealed weapon in her purse. There was a 10 hour class which they attended which taught everything about how to handle and understand what a gun is. Then there was a session on firing the gun. She scored 246 hits out of 250 with 186 hits needed to pass. Of course her score put her way above the passing point.
Like I said, I don't know if this good or bad and I can only hope that if the need ever arises she will use good judgement.

1 comment:

Mike Golch said...

Let's hope that it never comes to that.