Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A man wanting to enjoy a cup of coffee before work was walking to the store to get milk for his coffee and kids cereal. That man never made it home because he was killed by a drunk driver around 7a.m..
The guy that killed him was drunk on his way home from the grand opening of a new bar. He is 24 years old and has over 100 traffic violations, most of which have been dismissed.
He had 31 speeding violations, five pleaded down to parking violations and 19 dismissed. 16 seat belt violations of which 10 were dismissed. 1 careless driving charge pleaded down to a parking violation. 2 previous drunken driving charges which one was pleaded down to a misdemeanor and the other pleaded down to reckless driving, and the list goes on. Now he killed someone. What will this be pleaded down to. It's amazing how the court system works. Will they take his driving privileges away and will he spend time in jail. This should be interesting.

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