Thursday, June 5, 2008


My granddaughter was eager to get to school today because, you guessed it, today is the last day of school. Both Angelica and Delaney were biting at the bit to get to the bus stop but the clock just wasn't moving quick enough for them. Being the last day of school, it is a special party day and that being Luau Day. Everything is going to be Hawaiian which also means big party day. This is good because the kids earned it.

My biggest fear is what am I going to do with two girls ages 7 and 10 all day. There are just so many parks we can visit and pet shops to visit. For the most part they can keep themselves busy which means destroying my house and I have to clean up their mess. My daughter is coming in from Texas so I'm sure she will do things with them too. Maybe I'm just over reacting since this is the first time in many, many years I have to girls to take care of for an entire summer.

At any rate I am looking forward to it especially not having to get up a 6:00 in the morning to fix breakfast and get the girls out the door to the bus stop. Long awaited sleep is on the way.

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