Thursday, June 10, 2010


Not me, I'm a guy. This statement was made by a 57 year old woman in Alliance, Ohio. This plea was called into the 911 number five times. The dispatcher could not believe what she was hearing. After the fifth time, police were dispatched to the woman's home and she was arrested for improper use of the 911 system. She spent three days in jail.
It would have been easier to call E-Harmony I guess.
Ladies and men too, think before you call seeking a companion.

Friday, June 4, 2010


This week concluded the school year for many. Mainly my grandchildren in Texas.
Aidden graduated and went on to first grade. How proud he was. He was dressed up in his finest. A suit white shirt and tie. Mom was there to see this milestone as well as Spencer. They let him out of class to see his brother graduate.
Yesterday was awards day for Spencer which was attended by his step-dad Jeremy. Spencer received an award for the best in his Science class and for the most improved for the semester. Way to go Spencer. I'm proud of you.
Today is Angelica's day. She is participating in a graduation ceremony going from fifth to sixth grade. Another stepping stone in life. Mom tells me she too was decked out in her finest. Fancy hair style and a pretty dress. Mom even went as far as letting her wear a little make-up. Mom couldn't make it because of work but her step-dad Jeremy will be there to see this happen.
I don't know how many folks realize how important it is to attend these ceremonies to show support for their children. It means a lot. It's too bad we all can't be there but I know life must continue with work and other obligations. Even if you can't be there make them know that they are special when you do see them.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Do you ever wait and wait for your favorite program to return. I did and it finally did return last night, that being AMERICA'S GOT TALENT. It amazes me that there are so many talented people out there that we never hear about. Some even better that the ones that are in the headlines now. Keep your American Idol, Biggest Loser, Bachlorette and a few other programs that just don't have any meaning and do not supply entertainment to the tv viewer. I'm losing weight. Do I get a tv show. Anybody can do that in the privacy of their own home.
America's Got Talent has it all. Singers, dancer and oddities from all over the country. We need more shows like that.
I think Howie Mandel is a great addition to the show.