Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The time is near, very near. You can feel it in the air. The excitement, sorry, fear and disappointment. What is this special time? The beginning of school. Excitement being going to school for the first time and meeting new challenges. Sorry being that summer is over and now the work must begin again. Fear is for the younger children in not knowing what to expect and the fact of leaving mom at home. Disappointment being not getting the teacher or classes you wanted. Many more words fit this category of school and in the end it will all work out.
Mom's and dad's look forward to this, except the first timers who will not be able to see their little ones go off to school. Yes there will be tears but after a few days they will go away and both mother and child will look forward to their own little world of silence and learning.
Good luck to all of you, I've done my share.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


If you are like me and read just about everything that promises money and traffic, but when you come down to it how many deliver? There is a website that can help with various situations and that site is Blog Copy. What does this site does is to monitor and analyse what your readers copy from your blog and share with their friends all over the world. What else does this service do for you? It will give you feedback on your content, give useful feed forward for your blog and increases traffic to your blog.
It's as easy as one, two, three to sign up. Go to the website Blog Copy and click on "SIGN UP" and take it from there.
You will learn which words attract readers and which do not. This is important in drawing readers to your blog. Actually what I am telling you is to go to Blog Copy and sign up.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I was visiting my daughter in Texas for the last few weeks and had a good time. Being recently married there are of course newly acquired grandchildren. In this case it is a granddaughter. She was visiting dad. She lives in California.
While the two of us were sitting at the breakfast table getting to know each other with idle chit chat one of the two dogs walked by. It is a large dog. A DoGo and weighs about 80 pounds. As the dog walked by Destiny said poor Bear, I feel so sorry for him, of course I asked why and then realized the dog had been fixed. Her reply was "someone cut off his balls and left the sack" good thing I didn't have a mouthful of coffee. I quickly changed the subject by asking her if she watched Sponge Bob.
From the mouth;s of children of which this one was 9.