Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Now that Halloween and Thanksgiving are behind us, it is now time to set the house, inside and out, ablaze with beautiful colored lights, garland, ribbon and of course animated figures. This past weekend I drove around to see who was the first to put these things up to celebrate the coming of Christmas.
Some homes go all out, which I expect  shoot the electric bill sky high, while others are more conservative and do just enough decorating to show that they want to be part of the Christmas season. I saw the lights and figures of Santa, deer and other things associated with the season. The thing that I was sad not to see were any Nativity scenes reminding us that this is the birthday of Jesus.
For those of you who have not decorated yet, try to put this reminder in your decorations and remind the world what this season is all about.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


First they started by opening their stores the day after Thanksgiving at 6 am, then it went to 4 am, now this year it is 12 midnight and just the other day I hear that the stores will be open on Thanksgiving day. What about family values with everyone sitting down and enjoying a meal and being with each other. I bet the CEO's and Presidents and higher up's will be sitting down with their families. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just forget about Christmas and buying gifts and just put Christ in the season as it used to be and should be and let these money hungry bastards eat their merchandise and have no money to count.
Folks, this country is going to pot because of big business because if they don't make 1 billion dollars over the Christmas season they had a bad year. They are saying that now and the shopping season hasn't even started.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I thought I had heard on TV the Mr. Obama said something about the banks are to help people behind on the mortgages.
Situation is a friend of mine has missed three payments and in speaking with WELLS FARGO BANK was told they will not help and that he is going to lose the house. He has offered to make a payment and was told they would not accept just A payment unless he is up to date with the others. At least he is trying to pay something and the bank will not listen that his circuit breaker on his property tax kicks in January and this will reduce his payment substantually. It was their fault that the they did not inform him that he had to apply before a certain date. It's never the institutions fault, always the customer. My son, daughter and nephew had WELLS FARGO for their mortgage and they all had trouble with them.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Well did everyone get out and do their Christmas shoppin on the early BLACK FRIDAY shopping days? Wal-Mart doing a trial run and Target and other stores actually having their BLACK FRIDAY shopping days with another one the day after Thanksgiving. They are not thinking about the economy as it is, they just want to put people farther in debt so they can sit home on Christmas day and count their money.
What a sorry bunch of bastards they are. Does Christ even enter into the picture anymore