Wednesday, July 4, 2007


You can almost compare this time of year with Christmas. There is a lot of excitement around the 4th of July with all the festivals. Every town, city, village and neighborhood is having some type of festival. This is wonderful. The music, carnival rides, food, drink and just getting out and seeing friends. Everybody should be having a good time. But along come the punks with their hats turned around or worn sideways who think they rule the world. In a village near where I live that's just what happened. Disrespect for the people attending the festival but also the police officers there to see that everything stays respectful. But no, these guys and girls push people around and start fights and drink while underage and can't handle it. This festival had to be shut down 30 minutes early because of several teenagers fighting in the middle of the festival. Hats off to the police and others who quickly put this kind of behavior to rest. Job well done. Now if we can just keep the other trouble makers out of this season of festivals it would be perfect. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.

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