Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yesterday Delaney had only a half day of school. What could I do with her for the other half day. In know! lets go to the pumpkin patch that has a petting zoo. We did. When we got there it was overcast but warm and Delaney headed straight for the petting zoo. The had chickens, pheasant, lama's, goats, rabbits, donkeys and more. There was one goat who had his head stuck outside the fence, it was his horns that kept him from getting his head back in. He was like that for almost half an hour but he finally figured it out. There machines, that for a quarter you could buy food to feed to the animals. I didn't know that lama's could spit, I know camels do and I did find out at the expense of a little girl that lama's do too. He did quite a job on her. It wasn't funny to her but it was to everyone else. There was a giant pumpkin where kids could go in a bounce around at the cost of $2.00. This was also a farm and there were fruits and vegetables for sale at reasonable prices. Delaney picked out a pumpkin she liked and for $5.35 we took it home with us. There were scarecrows around so you could take pictures with them. Delaney picked out her scarecrow buddy and you can see she cuddled right up to him. The overcast day turned into a rainy day so it was time to leave and go get something to eat. So we headed for her favorite place which is McDonalds and this is where we filled our tummy's.

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