Thursday, September 2, 2010


While I was in Texas I had the opportunity to watch my grandson Spencer practice football. With the temperatures in the 100's I had a hard time sitting and watching let alone be a kid on the field playing, running and doing exercises.
I have never seen this before but after each practice the boys, and whom ever else wanted, were fed. Now keep in mind that they practice three times a week and after each practice they had food and drink. One day it was hot dogs, the next pizza, tacos, hamburgers and what ever else was prepared by the parents while the kids practiced.
Like I said football is a rough sport. At first Spencer was getting a little bored because all it was, was running, sit-ups, jumping jacks and other exercises. When the pushing and shoving started he was all for that. Spencer is a BIG boy and when he blocks or tackles someone they know it. We all have to keep in mind that accidents do happen, not on purpose, they just happen. Just last week they were lined up to scrimmage, Spencer plays guard, the whistle blew and Spencer nails this poor kid. When the dust settled and everyone was up it was noticed that the kid he blocked had a broken arm. Spencer really felt bad not only for breaking the arm but thinking about all the money the parents spent on this kids uniform, $150+ and now he has to sit out when they play their first game which is tomorrow, Sept 3.

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