Friday, December 14, 2007


I didn't think teachers spanked kids anymore. Isn't it against the law. Well my granddaughter came home from school Tuesday and said her substitute teacher spanked her. She is 6 years old and in 1st grade. I didn't know weather to believe her or not. Her mom called the school the next day and spoke to the sub and she admitted it. I don't know why it happened but as I understand it the teacher pulled her out of line by her hair, took her in the room and spanked her. Her regular teacher came back today and three other girls, who were not spanked, told the teacher what had happened. They went to the principal and he of course questioned her, and later the three other girls. A police report was made and the principal assured my daughter that, that teacher will never return to that school as a sub. Nothing was said about disciplinary action. A lawyer for the school district is now involved. I will let you know how this thing progresses.


Lynne said...

Oh my gosh! That is something that absolutely should not have happened, from the hair pulling to the spanking, that woman was way out of line.

Robyn said...

How sad--I'm glad Julie got involved--that is just absolutely out of line!

Karen said...

Oh my goodness! That is awful. She should spend time in jail. Your poor granddaughter. I hope she isn't too upset over the whole thing. I am glad they told their regular teacher what happened.